About the Floridablanca Digital Library
The goal of fhe Floridablanca Digital Library is to grant open access to the Old Collection of the University of Murcia, facilitating its free consultation, diffusion and preservation.

The digitalization project of the Old Collection of the Library of the University of Murcia began in year 2002 thanks to collaboration with sponsors such as Banco de Santander, CajaMurcia and more recently the Séneca Foundation. During these years a selection process was implemented to include the most relevant titles in the Floridablanca Digital Library, granting both universal access and their preservation.

At the moment the digital archive includes more than 200.000 digitalized pages. Our archive includes works from the beginning of printing press era, with outstanding incunables like the "Liber chronicarum" by Hartmann Schedel, printed by Anton Koberger in 1493. The first twenty years of XVIth century are represented by sixty titles, including very rare works like "Centones ueteris ac noiu testament", printed in Salamanca by Juan Gysser in 1502, and various examples from the workshops of Jacobo Cromberge in Seville and Aldo Manuzio, with "Omnia Platonis opera" printed in Venice in 1513. The Floridablanca Digital Library coordinates with catalogues and cooperative projects at the national and international levels like Hispana and Europeana. Through Hispana, digital libraries at the level of Autonomous Communities, and others at the local level, provide their content to the EuropeanaLocal project, in which the Minisitry of Culture participates as national coordinator together with 32 other institutions from 26 countries.
Through Hispana, digital libraries at the level of Autonomous Communities, and others at the local level, provide their content to the EuropeanaLocal project, in which the Minisitry of Culture participates as national coordinator together with 32 other institutions from 26 countries.