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Title: Theophili Raynaudi ... Pontificia. Tomus decimus ..., in quo quae hactenus edita erant ab auctore plurimis in locis fuêre amplificata.
Authors: Raynaud, Théophile (S.I.) (1583-1663)
Boissat, Horace (impresor)
Remens, Georges (impresor)
Keywords: Teología;Obras anteriores a 1700
Issue Date: 1665
Publisher: Lugduni : sumpt. Horatij Boissat & Georgij Remeus, 1665.
Description: Enc. perg.
Sello de la Biblioteca Provincial de Murcia
Localización : S-B-99
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/book
Appears in Collections:Siglo XVII

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