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Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 928
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editors/Printers
-Acero y Abad, NicolásAcero y Abad, Nicolás-
-Acevedo, Antonio de (O.S.A.)Acevedo, Antonio de (O.S.A.)-
-Acosta, José de (1539-1600)Acosta, José de (1539-1600)-
-Agostini, Niccolò degliAgostini, Niccolò degli-
2014-10-27Aguayo Aldemunde, Ignacio-Aguayo Aldemunde, Ignacio
2014-10-17Aguilar de Inestrillas, Felipe Ramírez de Arellano, Conde de (m.1620)Aguilar de Inestrillas, Felipe Ramírez de Arellano, Conde de (m.1620)-
-Agustín Santo, Obispo de HiponaAgustín Santo, Obispo de Hipona-
2017-02-22Agustín, Antonio (1517-1586)Agustín, Antonio (1517-1586)-
2014-05-30Al segno della Speranza--
-Alberto Magno, SantoAlberto Magno, Santo-
2017-02-22Albizzini, GaetanoAlbizzini, Gaetano-
-Alciati, Andrea (1492-1550)Alciati, Andrea (1492-1550)-
2014-05-30Aldi et Andreae soceri--
2014-05-30Alexander Calcedonius--
2017-02-22Alexandre Raphaelle Fray.Alexandre Raphaelle Fray.-
-Alfonso, Francisco (S.I.)Alfonso, Francisco (S.I.)-
-Algarotti, Francesco (1712-1764)Algarotti, Francesco (1712-1764)-
2014-10-17Ali Bey el Abbasi (1767-1822)Ali Bey el Abbasi (1767-1822)-
2017-02-22Alonso de Orozco, Santo (1500-1591)Alonso de Orozco, Santo (1500-1591)-
-Altés, Francisco (ca. 1780-1838)Altés, Francisco (ca. 1780-1838)-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 928