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Showing results 9828 to 9844 of 9844 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editors/Printers
2014-05-30Zangrius, Petrus--
2014-05-30Zenaro, DamianoZenaro, Damiano-
2014-05-30Zenaro, Damiano--
2014-05-30Ziletti, Francesco--
2014-05-30Ziletti, Giordano--
2014-05-30Ziletti, Niccolò--
1773-1793Zoofito del Mar BálticoSellier, Louis-
1773-1793ZoofitosGermain, Louis-
2014-05-30Zorrilla, Francisco--
2014-05-30Zuchi, Francesco--
2014-05-30Zuchi, Francesco--
-(Undefined)Abellá, Pedro de fl. 1636-1642-